
Senin, 08 November 2010

Make Save page as PDF

Did you ever see a blog that provides the widget save page as PDF in his blog, I think this is very interesting to try, because in addition to its blog page is also easier for the visitor to save our blog , blog visitors also be easy feel with this service, " guest is king "that is saying a word, besides your blog traffic may also be increased if you want to make it.

If you are interested to do so please follow the following tutorial:

1.Login to blogger with your id

2.Select the menu layout

3.Select Edit HTML

4.Give check the "Expand Widget Templates"

5.Find the following code , and place the following code underneath

<!-- START: PDF Online Script -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
var authorId = &quot;4D2009E0-017A-4BC3-BC97-AB23434373AE&quot;;
var pageOrientation = &quot;0&quot;;
var topMargin = &quot;0&quot;;
var bottomMargin = &quot;0&quot;;
var leftMargin = &quot;0&quot;;
var rightMargin = &quot;0&quot;;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'>

6.Save your template

Note: if you read the blog you read the code have two, then place the code under the code the first

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